Telegram CEO Durov indicted in France, banned from leaving country

Telegram CEO Durov indicted in France, banned from leaving country

French prosecutors indicted the chief executive of popular messaging service Telegram Wednesday on charges of complicity in the distribution of child sex abuse images, aiding organized crime and refusing lawful orders to give information to law enforcement.

Prosecutors charged Pavel Durov with multiple offenses after four days of questioning following his arrest at an airport near Paris, ordering him to put up a 5 million euro bond and barring him from leaving France.

The 39-year-old billionaire’s case is an unprecedented test of the power of governments over multinational tech companies operating under widely varying laws around the world. Durov’s Telegram is unusual for being run from a nonaligned Middle Eastern country, the United Arab Emirates, and for declaring that it shares no information with authorities anywhere about messages or activities on the site.
Durov has French and UAE citizenship, having moved out of Russia in 2014 amid what he said was a dispute with authorities there over what he would turn over about users of the social network he started, VKontakte

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Telegram 首席执行官杜罗夫在法国被起诉,禁止出境

法国检察官周三起诉了流行消息服务 Telegram 的首席执行官,指控他参与传播儿童性虐待图片、协助有组织犯罪以及拒绝向执法部门提供信息的合法命令。

帕维尔·杜罗夫在巴黎附近的机场被捕后,检察官经过四天的审讯,指控他犯有多项罪行,命令他缴纳 500 万欧元的保释金,并禁止他离开法国。

这位 39 岁的亿万富翁的案件是对各国政府对在世界各地根据截然不同的法律运营的跨国科技公司的权力的一次前所未有的考验。 Durov 的 Telegram 不同寻常之处在于,它由一个不结盟的中东国家阿拉伯联合酋长国运营,并宣称它不会与任何地方的当局分享有关网站上的消息或活动的信息。
Durov 拥有法国和阿联酋国籍,2014 年他离开俄罗斯,当时他表示,自己与俄罗斯当局就他创办的社交网络 VKontakte 的用户信息发生了争执(翻译来源谷歌)

